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VANGUARD is a 25 year Old Pharmaceutical Company with 500 Strong Field Force spread a cross the country with Turnover of 500 Millions.

VANGUARD is Aiming to double ITS turnover by 2011 March. To Support such ambitious plans, we are looking for people in various departments.

For all positions, candidate’s age should not exceed the range of 35 to 40 years.
Sr ACCOUNTS OFFICER (AO): Qualification: CA/ PG in COMMERCE or GRADUATE with experience in a reputed firm with relevant experience also can apply.
DISTRIBUTION MANAGER (DM): Person with experience in handling transporters, Inventory Management, Distribution Accounts Added with Coordination skills can apply.
ADMINSTRATIVE MANAGER (AM): Candidate with experience in relevant field, Exposure in using online field operations software can apply.
Candidates interested in for distribution assistants, Computer Operations and Junior Accountants with experience / knowledge in relevant field can also apply.
For all the positions, persons working in junior positions but willing to take up higher responsibilities can apply. Salary is not a constraint for deserving candidates.
Post Applied for * :
Applicant’s Name (In Block Letters) * :
Father’s / Husband’s Name :
Father’s / Husband’s occupation :
Income * :
Present Address * :
Telephone No * :
Permanent Address * :
Telephone No * :
Date of Birth :
Age :
Height :
Weight :
Children :
  Name Sex Age
Number of Dependents :
How did you happen to apply for this post? :
Do you own a Car / Scooter / Motor Cycle
– Registration Number
Driving Licence No :
Do you reside in own Rental Accommodation With Parents
Do you know / relate to any person in
Vanguard or its associate companies.
Yes No
Present state of health (Enclose
Medical Certificate)
Leisure Activities :
Languages Known :
Read :
Write :
Speak :
(a) Academic Record (Please Enclose Copies of the Certificate) :
Qualification Name of the
Year of
Course Name Division
% of Marks
(b) Any other information like additional
technical qualification, merit awards,
scholarships, etc
Particulars of pervious employment (List last employment first) :
Sl. Month & year Name & Address
of the employer
H.Q Designation Salary per month (Incl. Allowances) Reasons for leaving
From To       Starting Leaving
To whom you are reporting in present job? :
Please mention details of any outstanding contributions
in your current & previous employment.
Why do you think you are suitable for the post applied for. :
Have you ever been convicted if so, when & why? :
Total emoluments expected. :
Name and Address of references :
Name : Name :
Designation : Designation :
Profession : Profession :
Address : Address :
Telephone No : Telephone No :
Previous company, if any :
It is understood and agreed that any misrepresentation in this application will be sufficient cause of dismissal from company service and make me liable for gross misconduct.
I am agreeable to work at the same terms and conditions at any of your establishment in India, if transferred and will abide by your transfer orders.
I am agreeable not to apply any where without your prior permission.
Date :
Signature :
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